Tuesday, November 9, 2010

DISCOUNT DAYS Nov. 16 - 20

1 Day Away Spa
Relax your way toward Beauty and Wellness 

November 16th – 20th


40 min. Ultimate MASSAGE ($45) RELAX and UNWIND STRESS often carried in the Back Neck and Shoulders …AAAHHHHH! Affordable Pampering for today's busy life!

45 min. Holiday Pumpkin PEEL plus Mask ($50) REGENERATE DULL SKIN plus LIGHTEN and TIGHTEN at $25 SAVINGS ...A Real SWEET TREAT!

50 min. Non-Invasive Nano-Current FACE/ NECK LIFT ($60) Decrease PUFFINESS and WRINKLES plus FIRM, SCULPT and LIFT at $39 SAVINGS ...A client favorite!

50 min. LED/Current Pigment Treatment ($65-$75) Infuses a Lightening Serum with Alpha Arbutin (10X RESULTS without the negative Side Effects) to safely and gently FADE Brow Spots. Price variation depends on the extent of the hyper-pigmented areas to be treated.

25 min. Ion Cleanse DETOX ($40)
LOWEST PRICE EVER!  If you have wanted to try this, Discount Days is the time! Foot bath purifies the body using electrolysis of the water.  Relax with your feet in water and see toxins pulled out!  Clients reviews: better sleep + greater energy! SAVE $10


40 min. Ultimate MASSAGE ($45) RELAX and UNWIND STRESS often carried in the Back Neck and Shoulders….AAAHHHHH! Affordable Pampering for today's busy life!

Our 30 min. Ultimate NECK, BACK and Shoulder Massage extended 10 min. for extra stress busting! Perfect for those that are looking for quick relief from pain due to stress and built up tension in the back, neck and shoulders. Helps restore balance and flexibility by reducing tightness aches and improving range of motion.

45 min. Holiday Pumpkin PEEL plus Mask ($50) REGENERATE DULL SKIN plus LIGHTEN and TIGHTEN at $25 SAVINGS ... A Real SWEET TREAT!

Nourish Your Skin with PUMPKIN!
Great Exfoliater-Skin Softener
Anti-Aging-Promotes Collagen
Helps Weathered + Tired Skin
Renewal Benefits-Leaves Skin Glowing
Rich in Enzymes-100+ Useful Nutrients
Rich in Antioxidants-Defends “Free Radicals"

Our glycolic enzyme-based pumpkin peel smells just like a pumpkin pie baking in the oven. It transforms dull lifeless dead skin by bringing dead cells to the surface and removing them to reveal a youthful glow. This is followed by a soothing mask rich in anti-oxidants and nutrients to refresh and hydrate. A Real Sweet Savings Treat!

50 min. Non-Invasive Nano-Current FACE/ NECK LIFT ($60) Decrease PUFFINESS and WRINKLES plus FIRM, SCULPT and LIFT at $39 SAVINGS ...A client favorite!

Results are Immediate and lasting!
NANO CURRENT Delivery from the makers of Perfector, the BEST Non-Invasive Face-Lift available in the World today. Features NANO PERFECTOR'S HIGH DEFINITION SIGNAL that delivers an overall freshness, glow, and thicker, plumper healthier skin.
NANO TECHNOLOGY has been dominating the news lately and has been referred to as the next big thing in medicine and cosmetic beauty treatments. Medical research has shown that nano technology can help increase the healing and repair of skin tissue. In the cosmetic field. the smaller nano particles are more readily absorbed into the skin and because of this can repair damage easier and more efficiently. Nano technology in the beauty industry involves making products with nano particles that can go deeper below the skins surface to give better results.
Going even further, Perfector nano-current therapy offers the first real alternative to cosmetic surgery. Referred to as "The Knifeless Face lift", Perfector technology is based on Nobel Prize Research. It is a structured anti-aging treatment using special combinations of nano-current, frequency and waveform. These work on all levels of the skin, soft tissue and muscle fibers, helping to speed up cellular activity, increasing the local metabolism and re-educating the muscle fibers. Unlike Microdermabrasion and chemical peels which take off layers of skin, the Perfector treatment actually builds up skin layers by healing and encouraging cell revival and regeneration of tissue. And unlike muscle stimulators that offer only temporary improvement, Perfector treatments have been proven to offer long lasting results.

Perfector FACE LIFT delivers HIGH DEFINITION NANO SIGNALS to the skin to lift, sculpt, erase wrinkles, build the thin tissue under the eyes, and reduce scarring after surgery. It treats sun damage, melasma, rosacea, pregnancy masks and pigmentation while it enhances skin vitality and freshness, face sculpting, detox, firming. Perfector also reduces dark circles and puffiness. Results are irreversible. With repeated treatments the aging process is significantly delayed.

Transformation through Nanotechnology
Premier Perfector Treatment 60 min. 

Regular Sale Price $99. This week only - book a custom 50 min. session to get your most optimal results. Perfector™ performs nine functions: oxygenation, regeneration, lift, sculpting, firming, rejuvenation, deep cleansing, detox and ionization.

50 min. LED/Current Pigment Tx ($65-$75)
This treatment uses both Perfector Nano-Current and LED/ Micro-Current technologies to gently fade uneven pigment without irritating redness or downtime!

LED + Micro-Current  is quickly becoming one of the safest, fastest, and most affordable ways to achieve younger, more radiant looking skin. It’s non-invasive, safe for all skin types, builds collagen and elastin, and uses no lasers, injections, chemicals or surgery!

Micro-Current is a low level of electricity that mirrors the body’s own natural electrical impulses. When used in conjunction with specialized products and manual manipulations, these tiny micro-current impulses encourage your body’s currents at a cellular level. It is safe and effective way to improve facial and neck muscle tone, lift jowls and eyebrows, rejuvenate the skin, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, reduce puffiness and even out skin tone, improve facial circulation, skin exfoliation, lymphatic drainage and product penetration. 

LED Light Therapy is the use of light to create an anti-aging effect on the skin. LED stands for Light Emitting Diode. Diodes give off energy in the form of light.  Studies show that light enters the body as photons (energy) and is absorbed by the photoreceptors within cells. The spectrum of light is especially effective for treating wounds, cuts, acupressure points or other areas close to the surface of the skin. It balances skin tone and enhances circulation, inhibiting he formation of melanin pigment, fighting acne and dermatitis, and smoothing pockmarks, scars and wrinkles. This device can produce 7 COLORS and improve a lot of  skin problems.

The LED Light Therapy + Micro-Current may help to:

    * Smooth fine lines + wrinkles
    * Reduce pore size
    * Increase moisture retention
    * Improve sun-damaged skin
    * Firm and tone aged or tired skin
    * Smooth the texture of the skin
    * Balance uneven skin tone
    * Restore skin’s youthful radiance and appearance
    * Lighten age spots, sunspots and discoloration
    * Soften rough dry skin + increase elastin
    * Tighten sunken or saggy cheeks
    * Decrease puffiness around eyes

LED used for illuminating or activating PDT (photo-dynamic therapy) and the therapy involves:
  • No- pain or discomfort
  • No- down time
  • No- negative side effects
  • No- surgery
  • No- thermal damage
  • No- scarring or discoloration
In fact, most people find the combination of the micro current and light therapy a soothing experience for acne treatments, acne scars, stretch marks, facial rejuvenation and more.

25 min. Ion Cleanse DETOX ($40)
LOWEST PRICE EVER!  If you have wanted to try this, Discount Days is the time!
Soak your feet in a relaxing warm water ion bath. Negative ions gently pull toxins out of your body into the water. As toxins are expelled into the water, it turns from clear up to dark. You won’t believe your eyes! Clients have reported an overall improved sense of well being, pain relief, and better sleep.
The water turns colors depending on the area of the body that toxins are released!!!
Yellow-green detoxifying kidney, bladder, urinary tract, prostate
Orange detoxifying from joints
Brown detoxifying from liver, tobacco, cellular debris
Black detoxifying from liver
Dark Green detoxifying from gallbladder
White Foam Lymphatic system
White Particles Most likely yeast
Black Flecks Heavy metals
Red Flecks Blood clot material
SOME of the BENEFITS of the 
Significantly Reduce Pain
Improve Sleep - Improve Memory
Improve Skin (Tone, Wrinkles, Acne, etc.)
Enhances Immune System
Liver, Kidneys and Parasite Cleanse

In today’s modern life style, we are exposed to various types of toxins on a daily basis. Constant detoxification is a must in order to maintain health and continue to be disease free. The ION CELL FOOT SPA DETOX provides a convenient, thorough and efficient way to maintain a high level of energy and long term wellness, while stopping toxin accumulation in our body which can cause chronic disease and sickness. The ion foot detox removes impurities from the body, drawing them out from the pores of your feet. A relaxing session of 30 minutes aids in the detox of the whole body and clients have reported increases in energy levels, boosts in the immune system and much more.

at our website http://www.1dayaway.com/ 
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